Frequently Asked Questions

How does AskYourData work?

AskYourData searches all of your accumulated company data, including articles, PowerPoints, and PDFs.

It sources the top 10 most relevant documents and uses them to create an answer to your question.

What kind of documents can I upload to AskYourData?

You can upload various types of documents, such as MS Word, PowerPoint, or PDFs.

AskYourData will instantly learn all that information and use it to answer your questions.

Where is AskYourData hosted?

AskYourData can be hosted on Azure (using Azure Cognitive Services) or on AWS (using Amazon Bedrock).

What are your privacy protections?

Queries and responses pass through OpenAI and are subject to their privacy policy. All our services are hosted in the EU region. Your data is not used for training the model.

Is there a possibility of custom integration?

Yes, if you select the enterprise tier, we can connect AskYourData to your custom sources.

Is it a box solution or tailor-made?

AskYourData offers various uses, and each client gets a customized version.

You can start with a standard setup that fits the most typical needs and is easy to deploy. This option is designed to be feasible and offers price tiers based on the scale of the use case.

As for larger corporations with complex use cases, you can get personalised development. Drawing on this extensive know-how in generative AI, you can get a unique tailor-made solution that has the possibility to be fine-tuned for perfect performance.

Do you have an API?

Yes, we have an API that you can use to integrate AskYourData into your own applications. Contact us, and we’ll provide you with our API documentation.

Is there a limit on the number of users?

You can select from several tiers depending on how many users you require and how do you plan to use AskYourData. For more information regarding the user limits and details about each tier, feel free to contact us.

Does AskYourData work with languages other than English?

Unlike traditional search, AskYourData inherits GPT's understanding of any language found on the Internet. So even if you index your documentation in English, it can answer in the language of the question.

However, at the moment, using a different language to ask questions than the one you trained it on may not be as effective. It is less likely that AskYourData will be able to find the best answer for you. We are working on improving this.

Start chatting with your data.